Friday, April 2, 2010

Update on the XTO Gas Well Permit

Our council postponed action on the variances and the permits. I made the motion, and it was approved unanimously. I moved to postpone because I needed more time to evaluate all the information. I was in contact with the TCEQ that afternoon before the council session and in discussing the situation, was offered that they could provide technical resources to attend our meeting and discuss the air quality issues.

With that and the many good questions asked by the residents in the public hearing, I was convinced we needed more time to evaluate the situation. The mayor made it easy when he suggested that we postpone.


  1. Councilman Hanson, I urge you to get an opinion in addition to the TCEQ. Please read the spin they put on the release of the last Barnett Shale air quality study then read the analysis done by independent scientists. Or better yet, please take the time to read about 30 pages in the study for yourself.

    Also consider that the EPA has threatened to rein in the TCEQ and they have recently taken action on that.

  2. Another consideration: The XTO rep. said approx. 10 million gallons could be used from Lake Sharon for the fracking of the 2 wells. Unless there is a monitor to measure the water taken, the usage is self-reported.

    Those wells will be fracked as many as 10 times during the life of the well. I'm sure you can do the math on water usage.

    The water used is disposed of under a containment barrier where it will be permanently removed from the hydrologic cycle.

    I realize there may be little you can do about this, at this point, but it's useful for future reference when updating your drilling ordinances.
