Monday, April 19, 2010

To Consider is NOT an option - it is required

I suppose at this point I have reached capacity on the "how can council even consider this" comments.

Briefly, council must consider any application for a permit and any application for variances that is made. MUST CONSIDER - BY LAW. We are not allowed to dismiss without consideration. In a very short moment any person can go to and look up the word CONSIDER and find -> to think carefully about, esp. in order to make a decision; contemplate; reflect on. And that is exactly what we are doing.

We have had 3 sessions so far: 2 with public hearings and testimony, one a workshop for the council to consider and examine the information. There will be at least one more session. And, frankly, we'll have as many sessions as the majority of the council decides is necessary to arrive at appropriate decisions.

Luckily, besides the deluge of "how can you even consider this" emails, I have received a few thoughtful, insightful emails, offering information or documents to review and consider in the decision making process. These emails have been very helpful and enlightening - I hope they will keep coming.

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