Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gas well Drilling permit will be controversial

As I mentioned before, there will be a public hearing for a permit to drill gas wells out near the Lake Sharon/Oakmont intersection. I have spoken with some of the residents near the proposed well site, and attended the first of the two XTO resident meetings (scheduled for March 24 and 25).

Some of the concerns that I heard there were drilling safety, traffic safety, Benzene levels, other chemical levels, waste products from the drilling and fraccing process, and seismic activity from drilling (and the effects it could have on houses and other structures).

All of these are definitely important considerations. And, there is the recent storage tank fire in Decatur Texas (just about 30 minutes or so to our north west) to consider.

I understand that XTO Energy will be requesting up to nine variances to our current drilling ordinance. As I do not have the subject of the variances yet, I can't speak to them. I hope to have some more information tomorrow (thursday).

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