Wednesday, May 18, 2011

HB 3105 - big gas interests' way to crush cities

HB 3105, Relating to the applicability of the Private Real Property Rights Preservation Act to certain governmental actions, is designed to do one thing, and one thing only - destroy local control of drilling. It is designed to take away the power and ability of cities to regulate drilling in their jurisdiction. Big Gas made its impact felt.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

HB 1938 - whole body scanners - NOT IN TEXAS!

There has been a very big outcry over the use of the so called "whole body scanners", also known as backscatter scanners. Well, if this bill passed, it would be illegal to install or operate "whole body scanners" at airports in Texas. This sets up yet another showdown between the ever expanding and ever more controlling federal government and our state government.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Brace yourself, the legislature wants to take more rights away, control you more

Yes, that is right - Austin is at it again. The usual business whenever the legislature is in session - hold on to your wallets and watch out for your rights. HB 2443 wants to make it illegal for you to pull over and stop on the side of the road to get a picture of the bluebonnets.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo!

A time of Celebration in the United States of the battle of Puebla, in Mexico, against - the French. I hear there are some celebrations in Mexico, mostly in and near the city of Puebla. The big celebrations seem to be in America, and we Texans particularly enjoy celebrating it.

Why shouldn't elected official have to prove eligibility?

Apparently the Arizona legislature (both houses) passed bills that would require any person seeking to be on the presidential ballot in Arizona to provide some verification that they indeed meet the eligibility rules listed in the Constitution for the office of President. I also understand that apparently the governor of Arizona vetoed said bill(s). I also understand why she might feel that baptismal or circumcision records as a form of identification is reaching a bit.