Monday, October 7, 2013

STOP THE PRESSES - liberals hate republicans

Yes, that paragon of unbiased journalism, NBC has noted that a poll from that other paragon of unbiased journalism, ABC, points out that 70% of the people polled disapprove of the way republicans are handling the budget (and 61% disapprove of the democrats). And, oh yes, 38 percent blame republicans for the "shutdown" (as if the federal government is actually shut down).

Here's some news: Obama was reelected in 2012 - so go figure that a significant number of people polled across the nation would blame republicans for the problems. For those who just don't seem to be able to grasp fundamental election processes, Congressional Representatives are not elected in national polls. Each representative from each state has a geographically defined area where they are elected. If you really want to understand peoples' sentiments on any subject dealing with House members, you need to take the poll in that member's district.

Next, be aware of what the numbers really mean. Let's look at Texas 26, the district for Michael Burgess. Sixty eight percent of the people that voted, chose Mr Burgess, sending him back to the house for another 2 years. That means 32% voted against him, so, would it be a huge surprise if 38% of people blamed a republican for the shutdown? Let me help you: no it would not be a surprise.

Now consider that 33% of the district didn't even bother to vote. I would suggest that it is highly unlikely that 70% of actual voters in district 26 would disapprove of the republicans handling of the budget. I would not be surprised at 30% or even at a stretch 40%, but 70% - not likely. I believe this would be true in each and every district represented by a republican. Of course, in each democratic district, I would certainly expect people to disapprove of the republicans quite handily - they did after all elect a democrat to their district.

So, no matter what the talking heads at NBC, CBS, etc, say, the republicans are doing what their constituents elected them to do - opposing the tax and spend policies of a runaway federal government. So take these polls for what they are really worth - a little bit of entertainment, and an attempt by the liberal mouthpiece media to persuade you and your republican representative to believe that they are wrong for serving their constituents.

It was an NBC national article, plus data from the Denton county elections administration site, and the Texas Secretary of State site.

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