Sunday, April 3, 2011

Corinth MUD #1 Update April 3

There was a Corinth Municipal Utility District # 1 board meeting held on Friday March 25, 2011. At this meeting, after signing some 2009 property tax rebate checks, and signing some more expense checks (without telling anyone what the checks were for, or who they were made out to), a letter was read into the record by the president of the board.

To the best of my recollection (I attended the meeting, and had to strain to hear what was said), the letter briefly stated that the board was placing funds in escrow with the district's attorney, stated that all records would be transferred to the TCEQ, declared the MUD inactive, and had all of the board resign, effective immediately.

Of course there is still the election coming up on May 14 (early voting begins May 2), at which Corinth residents can choose to vote for or against the City's ordinance dissolving the MUD. This is still an important ballot matter, as the actions of the board do not appear to have dissolved the MUD. They only declared themselves inactive.

I received an email from at least one individual resident who had made an open records request to the MUD to review the accounting/bookkeeping materials the MUD kept, stating he was told 'too bad, the records have already been shipped off'. This resident would have been reviewing the records during the week of the 28th.

As I find out more, I will be sure to keep everyone posted as best I can.

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