Saturday, May 1, 2010

XTO Gas Well Permits were denied

As many of you already know, the gas well permit applications from XTO energy were denied at the April 29 2010 Special Session of the Corinth City Council. One thing that everyone should understand is that the permits were denied without prejudice. XTO can reapply for the permit again. During the discussion on each variance and the permits, the Council's reasons for the rejection of the permit application were discussed and made clear.

So, for the time being, there is not going to be a gas well site on the Lake Sharon Christian Center. For now the gas well ordinance in Corinth stands... and it should for the rest of this year, and probably then next (2011). However, be aware that the state legislature is now getting pressure from the oil and gas industry. You can expect the states to preempt cities' authority to establish setbacks, air quality measures, road use, and anything else that gets in the way of the oil and gas companies. At the state level, tank setbacks something around 50 feet, and well set backs somewhere around 100-200 feet. So if we get preempted, our 600 foot setback will be gone.

I strongly suggest that all of you that were so vocal with the city now turn your attention to your state legislators. This is nowhere near done.

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